I have tree types of sub-functions:
I am trying to pass that functions and its arguments to another function which sum results of all sub-functions and return the sum value. Parameters in that function should be: names of each sub-function as position arguments (*args) and arguments of each subfunction as key-value arguments (*kvargs).
def no_arg()
def one_arg(a)
def multiple_args(a, b, c, e, f)
# execution of function_results_sum:
no_arg, one_arg, multiple_args,
multiple_args=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
What i have done so far:
def no_arg():
return 5
def ident(x):
return x
def mult(x, y):
return x * y
def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
return no_arg() + ident(kwargs[ident.__name__]) + mult(*kwargs[mult.__name__])
The code above is passing arguments to each sub-function, but sub-function names are hardcoded. I would like to modify the current code to be able to get function names from *args. Below I wrote a pseudocode expressing more less what i am trying to achieve:
def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
for functionName in args:
result = sum(funcionName(kwargs))
return result
I have already spent all day struggling with that problem, so please don't write me that "using google doesn't hurt" ;)
Something like this would work:
def no_arg():
return 5
def one_arg(x):
return x
def multiple_args(x, y):
return x * y
def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
result = 0
for func in args:
result += func(*kwargs[func.__name__])
return result
no_arg, one_arg, multiple_args,
one_arg=(23, ),
The only difference between what you are asking is that you have to put args in a tuple to then unpack as args to pass in later.
If you dont want to have to supply anything for no argument functions, you can double check if the func name is in kwargs:
def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
result = 0
for func in args:
if func.__name__ i kwargs:
result += func(*kwargs[func.__name__])
result += func()
return result