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R - Extract info after nth occurrence of a character from the right of string

I've seen many iterations of extracting w/ gsub but they mostly deal with extracting from left to right or after one occurrence. I am wanting to match from right to left, counting four occurrences of -, matching everything between the 3rd and 4th occurrence.

For example:

string                       outcome
here-are-some-words-to-try   some
a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i            f

Here are a few references I've tried using:


  • You could use


    See a demo on

    In R this could be

    df <- data.frame(string = c('here-are-some-words-to-try', 'a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i', ' no dash in here'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df <- df %>%
      mutate(outcome = str_match(string, '([^-]+)(?:-[^-]+){3}$')[,2])

    And yields

                          string outcome
    1 here-are-some-words-to-try    some
    2          a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i       f
    3            no dash in here    <NA>