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How does pool.query() and pool.getGetConnection() differ on connection.release()?

As i can understand every pool.query() will cost a connection and it is automatically release when it ends. based from this comment on github issue. But what about the nested queries performed using pool.getConnection()?

pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {

  // First query
  connection.query('query_1', function (error, results, fields) {

    // Second query
    connection.query('query_2', function (error, results, fields) {

          // Release the connection
          // DOES THIS ALSO RELEASE query_1?

          if (error) throw error;

          // you can't use connection any longer here..


Here is my code using transaction when performing nested queries.

const pool = require('../config/db');

function create(request, response) {
   try {

       pool.getConnection(function(err, con) {

           if (err) {
               throw err;

           con.beginTransaction(function(t_err) {

               if (t_err) {
                   con.rollback(function() {
                      throw t_err;

               con.query(`insert record`, [data], function(i_err, result, fields){

                   if (i_err) {
                       con.rollback(function() {
                           throw i_err;

                   // get inserted record id.
                   const id = result.insertId;

                   con.query(`update query`, [data, id], function(u_err, result, fields)=> {

                       if (u_err) {
                          con.rollback(function() {
                             throw u_err;

                          if (c_err) {
                             throw c_err;


                       if (err) throw err;

                       response.send({ msg: 'Successful' });


   } catch (err) {
      throw err;

I made a lot of defensive error catching and con.release() since at this point i do not know how to properly release every connection that is in active.

And i also assume that every con.query() inside pool.getConnection() will cost a connection.


  • EDIT:

    A connection is like a wire that connects your application to your database. Each time you connection.query() all you're doing is sending a message along that wire, you're not replacing the wire.

    When you ask the pool for a connection, it will either give you a 'wire' it already has in place or create a new wire to the database. When you release() a pooled connection, the pool reclaims it, but keeps it in place for a while in case you need it again.

    So a query is a message along the connection wire. You can send as many messages along as you want, it's only one wire.

    Original Answer

    pool.query(statement, callback) is essentially

    const query = (statement, callback) => {
        pool.getConnection((err, conn) => {
            if(err) {
            } else {
                conn.query(statement, (error, results, fields) => {
                    callback(error, results, fields);

    Ideally you shouldn't be worrying about connections as much as the number of round trips you're making. You can enable multiple statements in your pool config multipleStatements: true on construction of your pool and then take advantage of transactions.

    INSERT ...;
    UPDATE ...;