I'm building a drag and drop interaction for an iOS app. I want to enable the user to drag and drop images containing transparent parts.
However, the default preview for the dragged contents is a rectangle with an opaque white background that covers my app's background.
When I create a custom preview by implementing the UIDragInteractionDelegate method dragInteraction(_:previewForLifting:session:), as in Apple's code sample Adopting Drag and Drop in a Custom View, the transparency of my source image is still not taken into account, meaning my preview image is still displayed in a rectangle with an opaque white background:
func dragInteraction(_ interaction: UIDragInteraction, previewForLifting item: UIDragItem, session: UIDragSession) -> UITargetedDragPreview? {
guard let image = item.localObject as? UIImage else { return nil }
// Scale the preview image view frame to the image's size.
let frame: CGRect
if image.size.width > image.size.height {
let multiplier = imageView.frame.width / image.size.width
frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageView.frame.width, height: image.size.height * multiplier)
} else {
let multiplier = imageView.frame.height / image.size.height
frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width * multiplier, height: imageView.frame.height)
// Create a new view to display the image as a drag preview.
let previewImageView = UIImageView(image: image)
previewImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
previewImageView.frame = frame
Provide a custom targeted drag preview that lifts from the center
of imageView. The center is calculated because it needs to be in
the coordinate system of imageView. Using imageView.center returns
a point that is in the coordinate system of imageView's superview,
which is not what is needed here.
let center = CGPoint(x: imageView.bounds.midX, y: imageView.bounds.midY)
let target = UIDragPreviewTarget(container: imageView, center: center)
return UITargetedDragPreview(view: previewImageView, parameters: UIDragPreviewParameters(), target: target)
I tried to force the preview not to be opaque, but it did not help:
previewImageView.isOpaque = false
How can I get transparent parts in the lift preview?
Overwrite the backgroundColor in the UIDragPreviewParameters, as it defines the color for the background of a drag item preview.
Set it to UIColor.clear which is a color object whose grayscale and alpha values are both 0.0.
let previewParameters = UIDragPreviewParameters()
previewParameters.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear // transparent background
return UITargetedDragPreview(view: previewImageView,
parameters: previewParameters,
target: target)