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Create and access productFlavor variables in android's build.gradle

I've a multi flavor project which is built by a CI and published to HockeyApp. Each flavor has an applicationId and an apiToken, which is stored in the flavor itself (to keep all important variables in one place):

    def token = null

    productFlavors {

    prod {
        applicationId "de.example.appname"

        buildConfigField 'String', 'FLAVOR_ID', '"0"'
        buildConfigField 'String', 'HOCKEY_APP_ID', '"1234567890"'

        token = "1q2w3e4r5t6z7u8i9o0p"

    demo {
        applicationId "de.example.appname.demo"

        buildConfigField 'String', 'FLAVOR_ID', '"1"'
        buildConfigField 'String', 'HOCKEY_APP_ID', '"987654321"'

        token = "p0o9i8u7z6t5r4e3w2q1"

On the same level like "productFlavors" there are the hockeyApp-settings:

    hockeyapp {
       apiToken = token
       releaseType = 0
       notify = 0
       status = 1
       notesType = 1
       notes = "Uploaded with gradle"

For debugging the code I build & upload the .apk-file via terminal:

./gradlew uploadProdReleaseToHockeyApp [...]

Unfortunately the variable token of the prod-flavor is always overridden by the demo-value. So after each uploading process I get errors like

Error response from HockeyApp: App could not be created.

because gradle tries to upload the prod-flavor with the demo-token.

Here some additional basic data:

compileSdkVersion 24
buildToolsVersion "24.0.1"
compile ''
classpath ''
classpath 'de.felixschulze.gradle:gradle-hockeyapp-plugin:3.5'

Based on my requirements, is there a solution to define flavor-variables and access them in the shown way?


  • In this special case I found following answer:

    Add the hockeyapp-task with your modifications needed

    hockeyapp {
        apiToken = "not_required"
        releaseType = 0
        notify = 0
        status = 2
        teams = 1234
        notesType = 1

    In the next step add flavor-based gradle tasks to modify you hockeyapp's apiToken:

    task setDevReleaseApiToken << {
        hockeyapp.apiToken = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    task setProdReleaseApiToken << {
        hockeyapp.apiToken = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    These tasks are called in gradle's whenTaskAdded-task, you can simply "override" it like this:

    tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
        if ( == 'uploadDevReleaseToHockeyApp') {
            task.dependsOn 'setDevReleaseApiToken'
        } else if ( == 'uploadProdReleaseToHockeyApp') {
            task.dependsOn 'setProdReleaseApiToken'

    Everytime the task uploadDevReleaseToHockeyApp is called (manually or by CI..) the task setDevReleaseApiToken is called and the related apiToken is assigned.

    Extend this schema for all other flavors if needed!