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Why does concat Series to DataFrame with index matching columns not work?

I want to append a Series to a DataFrame where Series's index matches DataFrame's columns using pd.concat, but it gives me surprises:

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['a', 'b'])
sr = pd.Series(data=[1,2], index=['a', 'b'], name=1)
pd.concat([df, sr], axis=0)
     a    b    0
a  NaN  NaN  1.0
b  NaN  NaN  2.0

What I expected is of course:

   a  b
1  1  2

It really surprises me that pd.concat is not index-columns aware. So is it true that if I want to concat a Series as a new row to a DF, then I can only use df.append instead?


  • Need DataFrame from Series by to_frame and transpose:

    a = pd.concat([df, sr.to_frame(1).T])
    print (a)
       a  b
    1  1  2


    print (sr.to_frame(1).T)
       a  b
    1  1  2

    Or use setting with enlargement:

    df.loc[1] = sr
    print (df)
       a  b
    1  1  2