The purpose of this code is to take a file that has been passed into the program and generate the letter frequency of each letter in the file. In above code, I remove punctuation and convert to lowercase letters.
using namespace std;
int main()
string fileContent = "qr rqh zrxog kdyh eholhyhg lq wkh odvw bhduv ri wkh qlqhwhhqwk fhqwxub wkdw wklv";
int count[26] = { 0 }; // an array the size of the alphabet.
for(int f = 0; f < fileContent.length(); f++) // run til the file end.
if(fileContent[f] == 32) // to take care of the spaces.
f++; // also tried "continue;" and yeild different and also incorrect results.
if(fileContent[f] >= 48 && fileContent[f] <= 57) //take care of numbers.
f++; // tried "continue;"
for(int p = 0; p < 26; p++)
cout << char(p + 97) << ": " << count[p] << endl;
return 0;
When I run this code I get some accurate frequencies, and some horribly incorrect ones (seems like every other result is wrong, yet after a few letters it trails off into astronomically large numbers). Any way to do this better? what is wrong with this code? As per request I have added some more of the code (including a string with a random 100 in it) as it was apparently not clear enough)
For more context, this program is for a Ceasar shift decoder I'm working on. I am in basic c++ and would greatly appreciate any advise from you more experienced devs. thank you!
In your program, this statement:
should be:
count[fileContent[f]-97]++; //Assuming that all alphabets are in lowercase
If you do not do -97
, it is trying to increase the value at index fileContent[f]
of count
array, which may be beyond the limit of count
Also, make sure to continue
in both the if
blocks and you don't need to do f++
explicitly in both the if
blocks as in the for
loop you are already doing f++