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SBT: Add/enable IntegrationTest configuration in bare build.sbt

I have a build.sbt written in bare style, i.e. containing only SettingKeys. I want to add IntegrationTest configuration to project, but I can't manage to do so without declaring a project and calling configs method on it like following:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).configs(IntegrationTest).settings(

Simply adding Defaults.itSettings to build.sbt results in exception about nonexistent configuration

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot add dependency 'org.cassandraunit#cassandra-unit;' to configuration 'it' of module com-mymodule because this configuration doesn't exist!

How can I both keep my build.sbt in bare style and add IntegrationTest config?


  • You can add configs to the build.sbt directly:


    You should understand though that if you have a multi-project build, it's better to declare all projects and their common settings explicitly.