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Logout/Disconenct from Google Plus (Ionic/Cordova - cordova-plugin-googleplus)

I am trying to Logout/Disconnect from Google Plus (I'm using cordova-plugin-googleplus

Here is what is happening: I login to Google Plus through my application successfully and a logout button shows up. If i click logout, it will logout correctly and everything works great! however If i open my application, login to Google Plus successfully and close the application completely, when i open the app again and try to logout it gives me an error: Please use login or trySilentLogin before disconnecting

coming from this code inside from the plugin:

    private void disconnect() {
    if (this.mGoogleApiClient == null) {
        savedCallbackContext.error("Please use login or trySilentLogin before disconnecting");

    ConnectionResult apiConnect = mGoogleApiClient.blockingConnect();

    if (apiConnect.isSuccess()) {
                new ResultCallback<Status>() {
                    public void onResult(Status status) {
                        if (status.isSuccess()) {
                            savedCallbackContext.success("Disconnected user");
                        } else {

And here is my code home.ts :

Logout() {
    let env = this;
        (msg) => {
        (msg) => {
            alert('logout error: '+msg);

The code that keeps me signed in as it seems without the application being aware that its "signed in" is in the home.ts constructor:

this.user = this.afAuth.authState.switchMap(user => {
 if (user) 
    return this.afs.doc<User>(`users/${user.uid}`).valueChanges()
 } else 
    return Observable.of(null)

user is of type Observable:

   user: Observable<User>;

Even after closing the application and reopening it I can still see the changes being made to the database even though i can't logout!

I hope that clarified my problem.

Thank you


  • Got it! Using trySilentLogin. You will have to Implement it exactly like the implementation of login() and it will work beautifully!

    Also don't forget to add it to the constructor:


    and inside you wll have he googlePlus.trySilentLogin() code!