I'm getting this warning on my upload function and I just can't figure out why. I've looked at other questions of the same error but cannot get a solution.
function upload($name,$old,$dir=NULL,$autoid,$number)
global $def_dir;
if( is_file($dir.$old) ) unlink($dir.$old);
I've tried var_dump($_FILES[$name]['name']
and the result was string(24) "generic-project-icon.png"
I've tried print_r($_FILES[$name]['name'])
and the result was generic-project-icon.png
am I being blind or is there no array there?
I just cannot figure out why this is happening. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
parameters with default value move to end ($name,$old,$autoid,$number,$dir=NULL)
variables pass them as parameterAnd answer your question $_FILES[$name]['name']
can be array when you upload multiple files. Documentation