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UIPageViewController page controls too close to home bar on iPhone X iOS 11

I have a program with one main view controller, which includes a button that the user can tap to display 4 pages of "Quick Help" via a UIPageViewController. The 4 pages are QuickHelpViewController0ID - QuickHelpViewController3ID, and each is a standard UIViewController. When they tap the button, I run this:

    // Load the quick help page view controller
    self.quickHelpPageVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"QuickHelpPageViewControllerID"];
    self.quickHelpPageVC.dataSource = self;

    // Create initial quick help page
    UIViewController *quickHelpVCA = [self quickHelpVCForPageIndex:0];
    NSArray <UIViewController *> *quickHelpVCs = @[quickHelpVCA];

    // And assign it to the page VC
    [self.quickHelpPageVC setViewControllers:quickHelpVCs direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:nil];

    [self presentViewController:_quickHelpPageVC animated:YES completion:nil];
}  // showQuickHelp:

I also provide a UIPageViewControllerDataSource to create each of the 4 pages as needed when the user scrolls to the next/previous page.

This works fine on iOS 9.3 and 10.x. It also works on 11.0 for all devices except the iPhone X (simulator). On that, the row of 4 page indicator dots is way down at the bottom of the screen, only 1 or 2 pixels above the new "home bar" that iOS 11 provides (slide up to switch apps, etc).

I found a video from Apple called Building Apps for iPhone X where the developer discusses fixing a similar problem, but in that case his solution was to simply change auto-layout to constrain a child UIPageControl to the bottom "safe area" instead of the traditional bottom layout guide. But I'm not using a UIPageControl on another view controller; I'm using a UIPageViewController, and I don't see any way to control the location of the page controls along the bottom of the window. (Yes, I've enabled the "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" option in Interface Builder.)

I can't imagine that iOS 11 sizes the UIPageViewController incorrectly by default in my scenario, nor do I see any obvious way to fix it. Any suggestions?


  • The fix for this is coming in 11.2

    UIKit - Resolved Issues

    Displaying a page control in UIPageViewController on an iPhone X no longer overlaps the home indicator at the bottom of the screen. (34478195)