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Dynamically set Receive Pipeline- Biztalk 2016

What I'm trying to do is set up a decoupled/flexible framework/strategy for all applications I develop in the future, that includes as much 're-use' as possible. Preferably what I'd love to have in the end is a single orchestration that I can 'plug-in' to any other orchestration which will take a message and send to a send adapter and return the response to the calling orchestration (having converted the received response to XML dynamically based on the constructed message to the adapter). This would require being able to set the receive pipeline on the message in the orchestration.

Am I on the right track here? I can't find much on what the best practice is in regards to artifact re-use in BizTalk.


  • Such comes up from time to time and I can tell you, it just never works out. You will spend a lot of time building essentially a framework, only to never actually use it beyond a handful of situations.

    Meaning, no one tries this anymore because it was never actually useful. You might want to look at the ESB Toolkit, but even that almost always makes things more complicated than needed.

    If you describe some of your scenarios, we can give the best advice.