in a Windows 10 UWP I try use WebAuthenticationCoreManager.RequestTokenAsync to get the result from a login with a Microsoft account. I get a WebTokenRequestResult with Success. ResponseData[0] contains a WebAccount with an ID - but the UserName is empty. The scope of the call is wl.basic - so I should get a lot of information... I'm not sure how to retrieve extra information - and for the current test the Username would be OK.
I checked out the universal samples - and there I found a snippet which tries to do what I'm trying - an output of webTokenRequestResult.ResponseData[0].WebAccount.UserName.
By the way - the example output is also empty.
Is this a bug - or what do I (and the MS in the samples) have to do to get the users profile data (or at least the Username)?
According to the documentation (, you have to make a specific REST API call to retrieve it:
var restApi = new Uri(@"" + result.ResponseData[0].Token);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var infoResult = await client.GetAsync(restApi);
string content = await infoResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var jsonObject = JsonObject.Parse(content);
string id = jsonObject["id"].GetString();
string name = jsonObject["name"].GetString();
As to why the WebAccount property doesn't get set... shrugs
And FYI, the "id" returned here is entirely different from the WebAccount.Id property returned with the authentication request.