I am completely unsure about the title for this, so sorry, here is my problem :
I am iterating through my xml and declaring variables out of it. It works fine, and looks like this :
$xml = simplexml_load_file('path/to/myxml.xml');
$bay0 = $xml->xpath("//Car[@park='0' and contains(Group, '$filter')]");
foreach($bay0 as $vehicle) {
$brand = $vehicle->Brand;
$model = $vehicle->Model;
$equips = $vehicle->Equipments
and so on.
In my xml, there are equipments for these cars. Equipments can have the attribute type="1"
or type="2"
like this :
<Equipment type="1">automatic doors</Equipment>
<Equipment type="2">full led headlights</Equipment>
I want to be able to separate equipments as two different variables in my foreach, depending of their type, but I did not find an answer to this, partly because I can't even properly formulate what I'm looking for.
Thanks for your help.
Edit :
Adding example of what I'm looking for :
foreach($bay0 as $vehicle) {
$brand = $vehicle->Brand;
$model = $vehicle->Model;
$equips1 = $vehicle->Equipments[type="1"];
$equips2 = $vehicle->Equipments[type="2"];
I think it could help you
foreach($bay0 as $vehicle) {
$brand = $vehicle->Brand;
$model = $vehicle->Model;
$equips=[];//start a array
$equips[1] = $vehicle->Equipments;
//$equips[1][] = $vehicle->Equipments; if many
$equips[2] = $vehicle->Equipments;
//$equips[2][] = $vehicle->Equipments; if many