I want to add two columns and group by the count. For example say I have the following table:
ID -------- value1 ---------- value2
A ------------ 2 -----------------3
B ------------ 1 -----------------4
c ------------ 2 -----------------2
D ------------ 3 -----------------3
E ------------ 2 -----------------1
F ------------ 1 -----------------3
Ff you count the sum (select value1 + value 2)
in each rows you will get 5,5,4,6,3,4.
I would like to get the following result.
5 ------ 2
4 ------ 2
3 ------ 1
6 ------ 1
You can just do:
select (val1 + val2), count(*)
from t
group by (val1 + val2)
order by count(*) desc;