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Why does Kotlin for Android Developers (the book) need to add extensions parseList again?

I know Anko provides the functions parseSingle, parseOpt and parseList , I don't understand why the code of Android Developers (the book) need to design extensions parseList again.

Could you tell me? Thanks!

override fun requestForecastByZipCode(zipCode: Long, date: Long) = forecastDbHelper.use {

        val dailyRequest = "${DayForecastTable.CITY_ID} = ? AND ${DayForecastTable.DATE} >= ?"
        val dailyForecast = select(DayForecastTable.NAME)
                .whereSimple(dailyRequest, zipCode.toString(), date.toString())
                .parseList { DayForecast(HashMap(it)) }


fun <T : Any> SelectQueryBuilder.parseList(parser: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T): List<T> =
        parseList(object : MapRowParser<T> {
            override fun parseRow(columns: Map<String, Any?>): T = parser(columns)


  • Anko's parseList takes a MapRowParser, not a function. This simplifies usage. With Anko version you'd write

    .parseList { mapRowParser { DayForecast(HashMap(it)) } }

    instead. That's assuming there is a constructor function like mapRowParser which I can't find in their sources; otherwise, you could write it quite trivially.

    Or rather, it's already written for you in the example code, just not as a separate function:

    fun <T> mapRowParser(parser: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T): MapRowParser<T> = 
        object : MapRowParser<T> {
            override fun parseRow(columns: Map<String, Any?>): T = parser(columns)

    I am honestly really surprised if this function doesn't exist already (maybe called something else, but what?). OTOH, if it does exist, Leiva should have used it.