I am using the default Bookdown example "A Minimal Book Example" which is available on GitHub: https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown-demo
How do I edit the template so that the PDF output does not have blank pages before all the chapters?
I don't speak TeX so basic clues for the clueless would be greatly appreciated.
This is not a problem with rbookdown itself, but it is because of a classoption in the documentclass "book" in LaTex. I found the hint here.
At the top of you index.Rmd file, you have documentclass: book
in your YAML header. Right below it, add classoption: openany
to fix this. For example:
title: "Fancy Title"
author: "Your Name"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
documentclass: book
classoption: openany