I have a jersey endpoint(JAX-RS) that I'm trying to hit with a text/xml req. I'm getting back an http 415 and I don't understand why. Here is the info. Any ideas? Thanks.
@Consumes({"text/xml", "application/xml"})
public class BidController {
public Response bid(final HttpServletRequest request) {
I am hitting it via Postman(REST client) and sending {"Content-Type":"text/xml"}
My POST body is definitely well formed xml.
You are getting a 415 response because JAX-RS does not know how to convert incoming XML into a HttpServletRequest
If you really want access to the request, then you need to annotate it with @javax.ws.rs.core.Context:
public Response bid(@Context final HttpServletRequest request) {
However, as you say you're hitting it with text/xml
, then you may actually want:
public Response bid(final MyRequest request) {
where MyRequest
is declared something like:
public class MyRequest {
int field1;
String field2;
which corresponds to XML like:
<field2>some string
The JAX-RS specification requires implementations to be able to decode incoming text/xml and encode outgoing text/xml via JAXB.