I want to split a column into two. I want to select values from where cell value has '('
So here is my requirement:
Input Strings:
col: mystr
233 (123)
23 (A)
2 (122)
Required Output:
I have done following:
SELECT right(mystr,LEN(mystr)-
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('(',mystr)=0 THEN LEN(mystr)
+ 1)
FROM docs
How it works: I want to select index where I found first '('
and then select values next to it. As CHARINDEX()
work from Left to right. So instead of:
select right(mystr,CHARINDEX('(',mystr))
I subtracted index from total length LEN(mystr)-CHARINDEX('(',mystr)
Here I found a scenario when '('
was not found and 'CHARINDEX()'
returned 0
So in case '('
was not found I made the whole term 0
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('(',mystr)=0 THEN LEN(mystr)
Here first element is not selected so I added +1
to whole term but it results in an extra value:
mystr Out without +1, Out with +1, Out with +1 moved inside else; desired
----- ------------ ----------- ----------------- -------
112 '' 2 '' ''
1(0) 0) (0) ) (0)
1 (12) 12) (12) ) (12)
I have also tried with substring()
but it has same issue:
SELECT substring(mystr,
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('(',mystr)=0 THEN LEN(mystr)
LEN(mystr)-CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('(',mystr)=0 THEN LEN(mystr)
ELSE CHARINDEX('(',mystr)END +1) FROM docs
If open to a Table-Valued Functions, consider the following:
Tired of extacting and parsing strings (left(), right(), charindex(), ...), I modified a parse function to accept two non-like delimiters.
Declare @YourTable table (mystr varchar(50))
Insert Into @YourTable values
('233 (123)'),
('23 (A)'),
('2 (122)')
Select A.*
,NewVal = IsNull('('+B.RetVal+')','') -- Adding back the ()'s
From @YourTable A
Outer Apply [dbo].[tvf-Str-Extract](A.mystr,'(',')') B
mystr NewVal
123(0) (0)
233 (123) (123)
23 (A) (A)
2 (122) (122)
The UDF if Interested
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvf-Str-Extract] (@String varchar(max),@Delimiter1 varchar(100),@Delimiter2 varchar(100))
Returns Table
Return (
with cte1(N) As (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N)),
cte2(N) As (Select Top (IsNull(DataLength(@String),0)) Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)) From (Select N=1 From cte1 N1,cte1 N2,cte1 N3,cte1 N4,cte1 N5,cte1 N6) A ),
cte3(N) As (Select 1 Union All Select t.N+DataLength(@Delimiter1) From cte2 t Where Substring(@String,t.N,DataLength(@Delimiter1)) = @Delimiter1),
cte4(N,L) As (Select S.N,IsNull(NullIf(CharIndex(@Delimiter1,@String,s.N),0)-S.N,8000) From cte3 S)
Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By N)
,RetPos = N
,RetVal = left(RetVal,charindex(@Delimiter2,RetVal)-1)
From (
Select *,RetVal = Substring(@String, N, L)
From cte4
) A
Where charindex(@Delimiter2,RetVal)>1
Max Length of String 1MM characters
Declare @String varchar(max) = 'Dear [[FirstName]] [[LastName]], ...'
Select * From [dbo].[tvf-Str-Extract] (@String,'[[',']]')