Basically i want to add <Condition>0</Condition>
element under the <Component>..</Component>
element when i harvest a directory using heat.exe
I should look like below
<Component Id='JapaneseFlag' Guid='{4CB0C1EE-8370-4880-B172-CF1E9F7308F7}'>
<File Id='JaFlag' Source='.\ja.png'></File>
<Condition>INSTALLEDSWVERSION = "XYZ"</Condition>
and i also want the conditional feature for the above component under the feature element, like
<Feature Id='JA_Flag' Title='Japanese Flag' Level='1'>
<Condition Level='0'>NOT (INSTALLEDSWVERSION = "XYZ")</Condition>
<ComponentRef Id='JapaneseFlag'/>
Is this possible using heat?
if not, So Is there any way to do this dynamically?
Any clue would help me to google further.
Yes, you can use xslt to transform the generated wxs file.
Check this for example.