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TypeError: 'int' object is not callable whats is wrong?

Hi I`m currently working on a small project for school and the task is to write a function which takes a dna strand and a position and checks whether the DNA is complement before and after the picked position. this is the code i came up with so far. the translate function is just to check complementarity and it workes just fine. but if i try to feed a DNA to the lis function, i get an error.

File "xxx", line 37, in lis
while translate(dna[pos(1-i)],dna[pos(1+i)])=="TRUE":

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

does anybody know what is going wrong there?

def translate(seq, comp):
#matchlist and checklist
    basecomplement = {'A': 'T', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'T': 'A'}
    baselist = ["A","T","G","C"]
#check wether the input is a DNA
    if seq not in baselist:
    elif comp not in baselist:
#check if the two (or more) bases are complements    
        aaseq = []
        comp = [comp]
        for character in seq:
#print result            
            if aaseq == comp:

def lis(dna, pos):
#make a list from DNA input    
    dna = [dna]
#go to pos in DNA list    
    for pos in range(len(dna)):
#check if position before and after pos are complements
#and advance a position if true else stop
        while translate(dna[pos(1-i)],dna[pos(1+i)])=="TRUE":
                return(pos-i + pos+i)


  • A few things for you to fix in here...

    • pos is an integer, not a function so pos(1-i) is causing the error in your post. This should be something like dna[pos-1] and dna[pos+1]
    • range starts at 0 so 0-1 is going to be -1 and will throw an out of range error as well
    • translate() isn't returning anything, only printing. You need return ("TRUE"). You'd also be better off using boolean True and False here instead of strings.

    I didn't go through your entire snippet, so there may be more quirks...