Is there any way to dissolve (merge) overlapping polygons, using any GDAL/OGR API or command line tool, while keeping the resulting non overlapping areas distinct? I have searched a lot and I cannot find anything resembling what need. However, I think it is very unlikely that this problem has not been solved yet.
Here's a more detailed description of what I need:
It is the last point which is causing troubles. I basically get what I need except for the last point. If I run the typical solution for dissolving a shape file
$ ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" dissolved.shp input.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "select ST_union(Geometry) from input"
I end up with a single polygon which includes everything, even if the areas are not connected.
Update: I solved the problem by ditching GDAL entirely. As many sources point out it is generally a better approach to use fiona and shapely to work with shapefiles. I have posted my solution below.
So, after many unsuccessful attempts I have ditched gdal/ogr and went on with shapely and fiona. This does exactly what I need. The filtering was necessary becuase my dataset contains self-intersecting polygons which need to be filtered out before calling cascaded_union
import fiona
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from shapely.geometry import shape, mapping
with, 'r') as ds_in:
crs =
drv = ds_in.driver
filtered = filter(lambda x: shape(x["geometry"]).is_valid, list(ds_in))
geoms = [shape(x["geometry"]) for x in filtered]
dissolved = cascaded_union(geoms)
schema = {
"geometry": "Polygon",
"properties": {"id": "int"}
with, 'w', driver=drv, schema=schema, crs=crs) as ds_dst:
for i,g in enumerate(dissolved):
ds_dst.write({"geometry": mapping(g), "properties": {"id": i}})