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PHP fputcsv does not display Chinese Character Correctly

I need your help to finish my project. I take the data from my json files, some of which consist of chinese characters, but when I try to write to .csv it does not display properly.

This is my code

function writeCsv()
    $resource = fopen('c:/xampp/test.json','w');
    $csvBodyData = [ 'item'=> '逆始感録機政'];
    fputcsv($resource, $csvBodyData);   

I have tried the following solution but it's still not working.

write utf-8 characters to file with fputcsv in php

I got this character "???".


  • In your case the problem was not in PHP. When you open a csv file in Excel it shows you a window, where you can setup CSV importing options like delimiter and encoding. You should choose UTF-8 encoding to view those Chinese characters.