I have used three bootstrap-select (https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/) in one page in my react component, I have followed all the instructions given, but only the first one is working properly and the other ones are not showing at all, here is the code snippet:
componentDidMount() {
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info', size: 4 });
<div className="custom-select">
<p className="font-300"> Drill Down Select </p>
<select className="sidebar-select m-bot-1 selectpicker selectbg" onChange = {this.handleGraphTypeSelect.bind(this)}>
<option selected disabled="disabled">Drill Downs</option>
<option value="2_AXIS">Two axis graph</option>
<option value="MULTIPLE_AXIS">Multiple axis</option>
<option value="LOCATION">Location</option>
the other two has the same classes and structures but different values
use different class selectors in JQuery will solve your current issues
$('.select').selectpicker(); $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info', size: 4 });
$('.select1').selectpicker(); $('.selectpicker1').selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info', size: 4 });
$('.select2').selectpicker(); $('.selectpicker2').selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info', size: 4 });