I am trying to run Scrapyd on a virtual Ubuntu 16.04 server, to which I connect via SSH. When I run scrapy by simply running
$ scrapyd
I can connect to the web interface by going to
However, once I close the SSH connection, the web interface is no longer available, therefore, I think I need to run Scrapyd in the background as a service somehow.
After some research I came across a few proposed solutions:
Does someone know what the best / recommended solution is? Unfortunately, the Scrapyd documentation is rather thin and outdated.
For some background, I need to run about 10-15 spiders on a daily basis.
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/scrapyd.service
Then copy-paste following
Description=Scrapyd service
Then enable service
systemctl enable scrapyd.service
Then start service
systemctl start scrapyd.service
Use this command.
cd /path/to/your/project/folder && nohup scrapyd >& /dev/null &
Now you can close your SSH connection but scrapyd will keep running.
And to make sure that whenever your server restarts and scrapyd runs automatically. Do this
copy the output of echo $PATH
from your terminal, and then open your crontab by crontab -e
Now at the very top of that file, write this
And now at the end of your crontab, write this.
@reboot cd /path/to/your/project/folder && nohup scrapyd >& /dev/null &
This means, each time your server is restarted, above command will automatically run