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MFC SDI GetActiveView() always returns NULL

I need help with switching between CFormViews in my MFC SDI C++ project. I have been digging for a long time, and can't figure out why my code isn't working. Through searching the internet (and this site included) I came across several tutorials for switching forms by adding two functions to MainFrm.cpp (a CMainFrame object that inherits from CFrameWnd). One of them is passed an id of the form I want to switch to, then gets a pointer to the active view, and runs some other code from there. However, GetActiveView() always returns a NULL pointer value. I know there's an active view because I'm clicking a button from an active form. My code is below. This is just the function I'm referring to. It resides in MainFrm.cpp (the default window file created when you start a new MFC project).

So far I've tried the code from the Microsoft Knowledge Base that talks about How to Get Current CDocument or CView from Anywhere, I tried to get the active frame first, then called GetActiveView from CFrameWnd, and I tried the code below. All to no avail. I clearly do not know enough about MFC to figure anything out. If you need more information from me, please ask. I probably didn't mention everything I should have. I chose to do MFC for a school project, and can't proceed to create a UML or writing any other code until I know that I can get these forms to work.

void CMainFrame::SelectView(UINT ViewID)
    // If the view the user selected is already displaying, do nothing
    if (ViewID == m_CurrentView)

    // Get a pointer to the current view
    CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();

    // We are about to change the view, so we need a pointer to the runtime class
    CRuntimeClass* pNewView = NULL; // Added = NULL because it wouldn't allow program to be run without initialization of pNewView

    // We will process a form
    // First, let's change the identifier of the current view to our integer
    ::SetWindowLong(pCurrentView->m_hWnd, GWL_ID, m_CurrentView);

    // Now we will identify what form the user selected
    switch (ViewID)
        pNewView = RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView);

        pNewView = RUNTIME_CLASS(CItemInformationView);

    // We will deal with the frame
    CCreateContext crtContext;

    // We have a new view now. So we initialize the context
    crtContext.m_pNewViewClass = pNewView;
    // No need to change the document. We keep the current document
    crtContext.m_pCurrentDoc = GetActiveDocument();

    CView* pNewViewer = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CView, CreateView(&crtContext));

    // Now we can create a new view and get rid of the previous one
    if (pNewViewer != NULL)
        m_CurrentView = ViewID;


  • To get the a non active View but associated CView from CDocument, you can implement this schema in Doc

    // ----- GetCChooseItemView() -- -Search the first associated CView in  INACTIVE Views too ! ------ 
    CView* CMyDoc::GetCChooseItemView(void)
      CRuntimeClass* prt = RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView);
      CView* pView = NULL;
      // Continue search in inactive View by T(o)m
      POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
      while (pos != NULL)
        pView = GetNextView(pos);
        if (pView->GetRuntimeClass() == prt)
            if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CChooseItemView)))
        pView = NULL;       // not valid vie
      return static_cast<CChooseItemView*>(pView);

    then add in your SelectView Code

    void CMainFrame::SelectView(UINT ViewID)
      : (code as before)
      // Get a pointer to the current view
      CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();
      // Get a pointer to the current view
      CView* pCurrentView = GetActiveView();
      if (pCurrentView == NULL
        CMyDoc* pDoc = static_cast<CMyDoc*>(GetActiveDocument());
        if (pDoc)
          pCurrentView = pDoc->GetChhoseItemView(); 
          if (pCurrentView == NULL)
             mpCurrentView = pDoc->GetCItemInformationView()  // let as exercise for the OP
          if (pCurrentView == NULL
              DebugBreak();     // Errror No View found..
      :  (code as befeore)