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How to get the Ad final url with the Facebook insights API

I'm trying to get an ad final url using the python sdk.

I tried all the fields but I can't manage to find one which returns the ad url. At the moment my fields are:

params = {'access_token':creds.refresh_token,
          'fields':'action_values, actions, ad_name, adset_name, objective, outbound_clicks, outbound_clicks_ctr,  call_to_action_clicks, campaign_name, cost_per_unique_click, cpc, cpm, spend, website_ctr, date_start, date_stop',
        # 'time_range':" since:2017-06-01, until:2017-01-03}"
ad_insights = requests.get("{}/insights".format(ad['id']), params=params)

I understand that some ads won't have a final url, like boosting posts, but many ads are only pointing to a site, how can I get the "call to action url" ?


  • You have to pull in the adCreative for each ad that AdInsights reports on. The adCreative will contain the outbound link.

    See here

    The following fields may be of interest to you

    • object_url
    • url_tags