Suppose I use the following code to create a model (simplified) but don't name any of the nodes:
num_classes = 10
input_var = cntk.input_variable((12,))
model = Sequential([
If I wanted to evaluate the intermediate nodes later, how do I access them?
I've used
to inspect the graph and get the following output:
[Output('Block30733_Output_0', [#], [10]),
Output('Block30719_Output_0', [#], [512]),
Output('Block30705_Output_0', [#], [256])]
However, calling model.find_by_name() with those names returns None.
One approach is to do a graph search. You need to find a way to distinguish between the layers you want to evaluate. You can get all the nodes like this.
blocks = C.logging.graph.depth_first_search(
model, (lambda x : type(x) == C.Function and x.is_block) , depth = 0)
For the lambda you can add any condition. To get all the blocks, you can use:
lambda x: True