Reading SeleniumHQ's pageobject documentation they specify examples of returning "this" from methods that do not navigate to other pages. My question is why?
I thought maybe the state of the page object could be a reason, however the page itself (the actual UI page) may change state or refresh but the page object itself would not. Page Factory with its @FindBy annotations already ensure that each WebElement will be found every time it is called, so the state of the elements doesn't seem to be relevant this case.
Consider their example
public LoginPage typeUsername(String username) {
return this;
public LoginPage typePassword(String password) {
return this;
public HomePage submitLogin() {
return new HomePage(driver);
now assume we have create the page object create as page
. If you didn't return anything your code would like
HomePage newPage = page.submitLogin()
But when you return this, it allows you to do method chaining. So I can use it like below
HomePage newPage = page.typeUsername("tarun").typePassword("lalwani").submitLogin()
As you can see it will save you some coding effort and much more elegant with IDE intellisense