i'm doing a client-server project for university. For the client-side i have to use the select() system call. First of all I need to print ">" and then wait, using select(), if socket is ready for reading a notification from server or stdin ready for reading from terminal. When i try to print ">", i have this problem:
input(socket or stdin)
but i would like to have:
input(socket or stdin).
Is there someone that could help me?? Here is part of my code:
FD_SET(sd, &master);
FD_SET(std_in, &master);
fdmax = sd;
read_fds = master;
ret = select(fdmax+1, &read_fds,NULL, NULL,NULL);
for(cont = fdmax + 1; cont >= 0; cont--){
if(FD_ISSET(cont, &read_fds)){
if(cont == std_in){
if(strcmp(send_buf,"!help") == 0){
if(strcmp(send_buf,"!who") == 0){
if(cont == sd){
use fflush(stdout)
before select()
read_fds = master;
ret = select(fdmax + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);