For each Vendor I want to sum -number of products the vendor sells -number of orders (PurchaseOrderID) -order value (SubTotal)
This Is what my Database looks like
This is where I'm at now
USE AdventureWorks2014
SELECT pv.Name,
Continent = CASE pc.Name
WHEN 'United States' THEN 'Nordamerika'
WHEN 'England' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'Germany' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'France' THEN 'Europa'
(SELECT COUNT(ProductID) FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor) NumberOfProducts,
(SELECT COUNT(PurchaseOrderID) FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader) NumberOfOrders
FROM Purchasing.Vendor pv
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntity pbe ON pv.BusinessEntityID = pbe.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress pbea ON pbe.BusinessEntityID = pbea.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.Address pa ON pbea.AddressID = pa.AddressID
INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince psp ON pa.StateProvinceID = psp.StateProvinceID
INNER JOIN Person.CountryRegion pc ON psp.CountryRegionCode = pc.CountryRegionCode
INNER JOIN Purchasing.ProductVendor ppv ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppv.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader ppoh ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppoh.VendorID
GROUP BY pv.Name, pc.Name
The result is not what I want. I want the count to be for each vendor.
I assume part of the problem is the 1:M relationship causing artificially inflated counts. To resolve you could use derived tables or analytic functions. Using derived tables:
SELECT pv.Name,
Continent = CASE pc.Name
WHEN 'United States' THEN 'Nordamerika'
WHEN 'England' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'Germany' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'France' THEN 'Europa'
CntProd NumberOfProducts,
cntPO NumberOfOrders
FROM Purchasing.Vendor pv
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntity pbe ON pv.BusinessEntityID = pbe.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress pbea ON pbe.BusinessEntityID = pbea.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.Address pa ON pbea.AddressID = pa.AddressID
INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince psp ON pa.StateProvinceID = psp.StateProvinceID
INNER JOIN Person.CountryRegion pc ON psp.CountryRegionCode = pc.CountryRegionCode
INNER JOIN (SELECT count(ProductID) CntProd, BusinessEntityID
FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor
GROUP BY BusinessEntityID) ppv ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppv.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN (SELECT count(PurcahseOrderID) CntPO, VendorID
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader
GROUP BY VendorID) ppoh ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppoh.VendorID
Using window functions (though I'm not sure about the results here) given your case statement for continent vs the group by on the vendor name and vendor region vs continent. may need to adjust the group by to:
GROUP BY pv.Name, CASE pc.Name
WHEN 'United States' THEN 'Nordamerika'
WHEN 'England' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'Germany' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'France' THEN 'Europa'
SELECT pv.Name,
Continent = CASE pc.Name
WHEN 'United States' THEN 'Nordamerika'
WHEN 'England' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'Germany' THEN 'Europa'
WHEN 'France' THEN 'Europa'
COUNT(ProductID) over (partition by PPV.BusinessEntityID) NumberOfProducts,
COUNT(PurchaseOrderID) over (partition by ppoh.VendorID) NumberOfOrders
FROM Purchasing.Vendor pv
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntity pbe ON pv.BusinessEntityID = pbe.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress pbea ON pbe.BusinessEntityID = pbea.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.Address pa ON pbea.AddressID = pa.AddressID
INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince psp ON pa.StateProvinceID = psp.StateProvinceID
INNER JOIN Person.CountryRegion pc ON psp.CountryRegionCode = pc.CountryRegionCode
INNER JOIN Purchasing.ProductVendor ppv ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppv.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader ppoh ON pv.BusinessEntityID = ppoh.VendorID
GROUP BY pv.Name, pc.Name