after finishing an app I wanted to test it through Test Flight. I deployed the app to iTunes and after installing the application on the test devices it seems that in the app everything is "big" . More detailed:
I debug to an iPhone 6s and 5s and everything looks ok I deployed the app to iTunes and testing on two different iPhone 6s the resolution seems to be very low with the same deployment the resolution on 5s is great. Take a look at those images:
Do you have any idea?
What type of splash screen (or LaunchScreen in iOS lingo) did you add? The supported resolution on iOS is determined by the splash screen resolutions you have included.
When you didn't include one that uses the full resolution of a device, the app will be switched into some kind of compatibility mode.
See this page for all the resolutions that should be included, depending on the devices you want to support.
The best option is to specify a storyboard file as a splash screen. This will scale to all resolutions .