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How to use textfield data as currency amount in visa checkout

I am unable to use UITextfield data as currencyAmount in visa checkout. i have taken CurrencyAmount's variable as a and setting the itemMoney text to this variable.

What i am trying in my code:-

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var itemMoney:UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var lbl1:UILabel!
var a :Double = 0

@IBOutlet weak var checkoutButton:VisaCheckoutButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {

    a = Double(itemMoney.text!)!
    let purschaseInfo = PurchaseInfo(total: a, currency: .usd)
    purschaseInfo.reviewAction = .pay

    checkoutButton.onCheckout(purchaseInfo: purschaseInfo) { result in

        switch result.statusCode {
        case .success:
            print("Encrypted key: \(String(describing: result.encryptedKey))")
            print("Payment Data \(String(describing: result.encryptedPaymentData))")
            self.lbl1.text = "Payment sucessfull"
        case .userCancelled:
            print("Payment cancelled by user")

Error :- Argument labels '(_:)' do not match any available overloads

Please help me


  • You are passing a Double, but I see from the specs that PurchaseInfo expects an object of type CurrencyAmount (see section "Specifying payment details and launching Visa Checkout" from the official guide).

    let total = CurrencyAmount(string: "1.00")
    let purchaseInfo = PurchaseInfo(total: total, currency: .usd)