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"after" not working in Modelsim

I am trying to make a behavorial model of a Serial Adder in Modelsim.

So, in the design I am trying to pass the Carry_out to the Carry_in after one clock cycle.

The design is:

one bit, each from two n-bit numbers enter the adder along with the carry.

Initially the carry is 0 but in the next clock cycle the carry_out from the addition of the previous bits are again passed as the carry_in and addition is done with the next two bits, one from each number.

Here is the code:

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity serial_adder is

    port (a,b: in std_logic;
        s: out std_logic;
        cin,cout: inout std_logic);
end serial_adder;

architecture serial_adder_arch of serial_adder is
    if (a='0' and b ='0' and cin ='0')
    then s <='0';
         cout <='0';
    elsif (a='0' and b ='0' and cin ='1')
    then s <='1';
         cout <='0';
    elsif (a='0' and b ='1' and cin ='0')
    then s <='1';
         cout <='0';
    elsif (a='0' and b ='1' and cin ='1')
    then s <='0';
         cout <='1';
    elsif (a='1' and b ='0' and cin ='0')
    then s <='1';
         cout <='0';
    elsif (a='1' and b ='0' and cin ='1')
    then s <='0';
         cout <='1';
    elsif (a='1' and b ='1' and cin ='0')
    then s <='0';
         cout <='1';
    elsif (a='1' and b ='1' and cin ='1')
    then s <='1';
         cout <='1';
    end if;
    cin <= cout after 50 ps;
    end process;

end serial_adder_arch;

After simulation, I am seeing that the delay that I am giving using 'after' is not working. I am getting no delay and the cout is not getting assigned to cin


  • Even if you get this code working in simulation, it wouldn't synthesis, because of the wait for statement.

    See the below serial adder code.

    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    --serial adder for N bits. Note that we dont have to mention N here. 
    entity serial_adder is
        port(Clk,reset : in std_logic; --clock and reset signal
                a,b,cin : in std_logic;  --note that cin is used for only first iteration.
                s,cout : out std_logic  --note that s comes out at every clock cycle and cout is valid only for last clock cycle.
    end serial_adder;
    architecture behav of serial_adder is
    --intermediate signals.
    signal c,flag : std_logic := '0';
    --we use variable, so that we need the carry value to be updated immediately.
    variable c : std_logic := '0'; 
    if(reset = '1') then --active high reset
        s <= '0';
        cout <= c;
        flag <= '0';
    elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
        if(flag = '0') then
            c := cin;  --on first iteration after reset, assign cin to c.
            flag <= '1';  --then make flag 1, so that this if statement isnt executed any more.
        end if; 
        s <= a xor b xor c;  --SUM
        c := (a and b) or (c and b) or (a and c);  --CARRY
    end if;
    end process;
    end behav;

    If you like it, then there is testbench code and explanation on this link.