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pom.xml maven properties in leiningen project.clj

I use the $ lein pom command to genereate a maven pom.xml from a Leiningen project.clj file. I do that because I have Java source files in my Clojure project.

I would like to make sure the following maven properties are embedded into the generated pom.xml file:


I do this by hand now. However, I do not want to check in the generated file into version control and I would like to be able to regenerate it any time. How can I make Leiningen to embed the maven properties in the generated pom.xml file every time I generate the pom.xml?

Thank you


  • You can add custom pom.xml entries using :pom-addition:

    (defproject ...
      :pom-addition [:properties
                      ["maven.compiler.source" "1.7"]
                      ["" "1.7"]])