All I am trying to do is search for a user and return the user's DN in a Perl script. However, my script is printing a reference to a hash instead of the actual DN of the user.
The DN needs to be put into another variable later on so I need the DN to be right.
Here is my code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAPS;
use Net::LDAP;
use Config::Simple;
use Try::Tiny;
#LDAP connection.
my $ldap;
my $hostname = "Hostname";
my $port = 2389;
my $rootDN = "username";
my $password = "password";
#Connect to LDAP
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $hostname, port => $port ) or die $@;
#Send username and password
my $mesg = $ldap->bind(dn => $rootDN, password => $password) or die $@;
my $result = $ldap->search(
base => "ou=AllProfiles",
filter => "(cn=Alice Lee)",
attrs => ['*','entrydn'],
my $href = $result;
print "$href\n";
Here is my output:
Does anyone know why I am getting this? Or know how to fix it?
You get back a whole object which you need to get the results from, and from that, navigate to what you want. I believe this will work, if indeed "entrydn
" is the correct name.
my $entries = $result->entries;
my $dn = $entries[0]->get_value('entrydn');
(If you expect to return more than one entry, of course you will have to iterate. If you may get no results, you need to check for that too.)