I have set up a firebase hosting project with three pages and my custom domain setup . These pages get hit based on different paths in the url. The firebase.json file is as follows
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [ {
"source": "/main",
"destination": "/index.html"
"source": "/waitlistview/**",
"destination": "/waitlistview.html"
"source": "/mwaitlistview/**",
"destination": "/waitlistview-minimal.html"
"cleanUrls": true
Now when i try a url :
Instead of getting an error with 404 page, i still hit my page
Whereas if i hit the url:
I get the 404 page as i expect.
How to i make the first url to also go to 404 page
According to firebase hosting docs, Hosting first tries to map a file inside the public directory to the path in the url. Only if there is no such file will a rewrite take effect.
In my case, I had a file /waitlistview.html directly inside the public folder. Thus firebase hosting just mapped the url to that file even without a trailing slash. The rewrite never occurred and thus there was no 404 page
Also for anyone interested:
your default domain name directly maps to index.html without the need for any specific path
Also /waitlistview** does not match /waitlistview/Ahmedabad/xyz path via GLOB matching so please have a slash before **