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Agda: Can't find std-lib when installing with Stack

I'm trying to compile an Agda file, but I'm having trouble getting it to find the standard library. I've seen the documentation here.

I've used Stack to install it:

> which agda

And I've set the environment variable for my Agda directory:

> echo $AGDA_DIR

Which is populated with the correct files:


> cat "$AGDA_DIR"/libraries

> cat "$AGDA_DIR"/defaults

> cat /home/joey/agda/agda-stdlib/standard-library.agda-lib
name: standard-library
include: src

However, when I go to compile an Agda file, I get the following error:

Failed to find source of module Function in any of the following
when scope checking the declaration
  open import Function

How can I tell Agda where to look for the standard library? Is this a problem because of Stack?

I'm on Ubuntu 17.10, if that makes a difference.


  • It turns out that if you have a .agda-lib file in your root directory, it will completely ignore the defaults file. So the key was to include standard-library explicitly in that file.

    A dumb thing for me to miss, but hopefully others with the same problem will find this answer.