I'm controlling the forwards speed of a robot based on pwm (speed is determined the same way servos are controlled 1.5ms being neutral, 2ms, and 1ms being forwards and backwards respectively)
I want add 100µs to pwm if not key.get_pressed()[K_w] has lasted more than 0.5s (add 100µs to pwm once w is pressed if w was unpressed for less than 0.5 seconds)
details: varible pwm is in units of µs, key.get_pressed()[K_w] returns the state of all keys (1 being pressed & 0 being not pressed)
bit of pseudocode:
while True:
if key.get_pressed()[K_w]:
pwm = pwm + 100 if w's time since last pressed has lasted < 0.5 seconds
I'm utterly sick of dealing with this I've been stuck on it for a week and I hate it.
I think this should work (haven't tested)
import time
last_press = 0
if key.get_pressed()[K_w]:
span = time.time() - last_press
last_press = time.time()
if span < 0.5:
pwm += 100