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What is the pyvmomi equivalent of invoke-vmscript in powercli?

I'm looking into moving an existing powercli deployment script to python/pyvmomi, to get multi-threading (it deploys a LOT of VMs). The original script makes fairly heavy use of Invoke-VMScript to push powershell fragments to each guest via the VMware Tools.

What's the equivalent functionality in pyvmomi? Specifically - send a powershell script to the guest via Tools (not the guest's network), have it run with supplied credentials, and then collect the output?

I can see processManager.StartProgramInGuest, but that seems like a clunky 3-step process (upload file, run file, download redirected results) - is that what powercli is doing in the background?


  • So in the interests of providing some closure, and because I couldn't find a complete example anyway, here's my first take at this. It's part of a class that has already connected to the vcenter server using SmartConnect, and set It doesn't really do much error checking yet. You can choose if you want to wait and get the output, or just return after launching the command. remote_cmd originally came from pyvmomi-community-samples, hence some duplication between the two methods currently.

    def invoke_vmscript(self, vm_username, vm_password, vm_name, script_content, wait_for_output=False):
        script_content_crlf = script_content.replace('\n', '\r\n')
        content =
        creds = vim.vm.guest.NamePasswordAuthentication(username=vm_username, password=vm_password)
        vm = self.get_vm(vm_name)
        logger.debug("Invoke-VMScript Started for %s", vm_name)
        logger.debug("CREATING TEMP OUTPUT DIR")
        file_manager = content.guestOperationsManager.fileManager
        temp_dir = file_manager.CreateTemporaryDirectoryInGuest(vm, creds, "nodebldr_",
            file_manager.MakeDirectoryInGuest(vm, creds, temp_dir, False)
        except vim.fault.FileAlreadyExists:
        temp_script_file = file_manager.CreateTemporaryFileInGuest(vm, creds, "nodebldr_",
        temp_output_file = file_manager.CreateTemporaryFileInGuest(vm, creds, "nodebldr_",
        logger.debug("SCRIPT FILE: " + temp_script_file)
        logger.debug("OUTPUT FILE: " + temp_output_file)
        file_attribute = vim.vm.guest.FileManager.FileAttributes()
        url = file_manager.InitiateFileTransferToGuest(vm, creds, temp_script_file,
                                                       len(script_content_crlf), True)
        logger.debug("UPLOAD SCRIPT TO: " + url)
        r = requests.put(url, data=script_content_crlf, verify=False)
        if not r.status_code == 200:
            logger.debug("Error while uploading file")
            logger.debug("Successfully uploaded file")
        self.remote_cmd(vm_name, vm_username, vm_password, 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe',
                        "-Noninteractive {0} > {1}".format(temp_script_file, temp_output_file), temp_dir,
        output = None
        if wait_for_output:
            dl_url = file_manager.InitiateFileTransferFromGuest(vm, creds,
            logger.debug("DOWNLOAD OUTPUT FROM: " + dl_url.url)
            r = requests.get(dl_url.url, verify=False)
            output = r.text
            logger.debug("Script Output was: %s", output)
        logger.debug("DELETING temp files & directory")
        file_manager.DeleteFileInGuest(vm, creds, temp_script_file)
        file_manager.DeleteFileInGuest(vm, creds, temp_output_file)
        file_manager.DeleteDirectoryInGuest(vm, creds, temp_dir, True)
        logger.debug("Invoke-VMScript COMPLETE")
        return output
    def remote_cmd(self, vm_name, vm_username, vm_password, command, args, working_dir, wait_for_end=False, timeout=60):
        creds = vim.vm.guest.NamePasswordAuthentication(username=vm_username, password=vm_password)
        vm = self.get_vm(vm_name)
            cmdspec = vim.vm.guest.ProcessManager.ProgramSpec(arguments=args, programPath=command)
            pid =, auth=creds,
            logger.debug("Started process %d on %s", pid, vm_name)
        except vmodl.MethodFault as error:
            print("Caught vmodl fault : ", error.msg)
            return -1
        n = timeout
        if wait_for_end:
            while n > 0:
                info =, auth=creds,
                if info[0].endTime is not None:
                logger.debug("Process not yet completed. Will wait %d seconds", n)
                n = n - 1
            logger.debug("Process completed with state: %s", info[0])