Search code examples

How to cast LONG to VARCHAR2 inline

Background: ALL_IND_EXPRESSIONS has column

COLUMN_EXPRESSION   LONG   Function-based index expression defining the column

I know that LONG is deprecated. I need to write something like (or do other text operations):

    q'{ALTER INDEX "<index_owner>"."<index_name>" ON ... (<column_expression>)}'
   ,'<index_owner>', index_owner )
   ,'<index_name>', index_name) 
   ,'<column_expression>', column_expression) AS result
FROM all_ind_expressions;

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got LONG

DBFiddle Demo


  • it has to be self-contained query
  • no intermediate objects(creating table/view is not an option).
  • no PL/SQL block
  • DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL (it is not the case)
  • WITH FUNCTION clause as last resort

Is it possible to cast/convert/use built-in function from LONG to VARCHAR2?


SELECT column_expression || 'a'  -- convert to working code
FROM all_ind_expressions;


  • You can use XML unless expressions contain something which can brake XML parsing.

    select *
      from xmltable(
              passing (select dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select * from all_ind_expressions
                                                       where index_name = ''XDB$COMPLEX_TYPE_AK''')
                         from dual)
              columns index_owner varchar2(30) path 'INDEX_OWNER',
                      index_name varchar2(30) path 'INDEX_NAME',
                      table_owner varchar2(30) path 'TABLE_OWNER',
                      table_name varchar2(30) path 'TABLE_NAME',
                      column_expression varchar2(4000) path 'COLUMN_EXPRESSION')
    INDEX_OWNER     INDEX_NAME           TABLE_OWNER     TABLE_NAME           COLUMN_EXPRESSION                  
    --------------- -------------------- --------------- -------------------- -----------------------------------
    XDB             XDB$COMPLEX_TYPE_AK  XDB             XDB$COMPLEX_TYPE     SYS_OP_R2O("XMLDATA"."ALL_KID")    
    1 row selected.