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Karate - How to delay all scenarios?

I have a 10 scenarios, all of them must have 1 min delay after executing background. I call my delay function in background. The problem is that all scenarios call background, and I have to wait 10 minutes.
Is there a way to call my wait function one for all scenarios?
This is my background and one of my scenarios:

    * call read('classpath:cleanup.feature')
    * def login = call read('classpath:init/init.user.feature')
    * def sleep =
        for(i = 0; i <= seconds; i++)
    * call sleep 60

  Scenario: Correct
#    Step one: requesting a verification code
    Given url karate.get('urlBase') +  "account/resendMobileActivationVerificationCode"
    And request {"mobile": #(defaultMobile)}
    And header X-Authorization = login.token
    And header NESBA-Authorization = login.nesba
    When method post
    Then status 200
    And match response ==
   "result": true


  • Use callonce:

    * callonce sleep 60