From the title this may sound like a duplicate question. But what I am asking for is help writing a Greasemonkey script that takes all images containing the word "thumbnails" in the src url, replaces "thumbnails" with "images" but then putting the new url into the href (target) url.
What I have so far is:
for(var iImage=0;iImage<document.images.length;iImage++){
var imageUrl = document.images[iImage].src;
if (imageUrl.indexOf("thumbnails") != -1) {
imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("thumbnails","images")
document.images[iImage].href = imageUrl;
Any help would be appreciated.
img tags cant have href, however you can append them into an anchor tag with href attribute:
for(var iImage=0;iImage<document.images.length;iImage++){
var imageUrl = document.images[iImage].src;
if (imageUrl.indexOf("thumbnails") != -1) {
imageUrl = imageUrl.replace("thumbnails","images");
document.images[iImage].outerHTML = '<a href ="' +
+ imageUrl + '" >'
+ document.images[iImage].outerHTML + '</a>';