I'm trying to setup different build variants for Android Studio 3.0 and gradle plugin 3.0, but Android Studio doesn't create build variant for each my flavor. Gradle build is successfull but I don't know how to make productionapiRealese and germanyapiRelease build variants. How can I make it?
My flavors:
flavorDimensions "pr", "ger"
productFlavors {
productionapi {
provider "pk"
dimension "pr"
germanyapi {
provider "sd"
dimension "ger"
And my build variants:
First of all read this article in detail.
As far as I understand you are mixing flavors using the information you can find in this section "Combine multiple product flavors with flavor dimensions".
Just remove this:
flavorDimensions "pr", "ger"
and this from each flavor:
dimension "ger"
dimension "pr"
Just focus on the first part of the section "Configure Product Flavors":
android {
defaultConfig {...}
buildTypes {...}
flavorDimensions "default"
productFlavors {
productionapi {
applicationIdSuffix ".prod"
versionNameSuffix "-prod"
germanyapi {
applicationIdSuffix ".german"
versionNameSuffix "-german"
Doing that you will get a build variant for each flavor