I have an ASP.NET Core 2 application hosted on Azure, and I added a new Application Settings MyNewSetting
for my App in the Azure Portal.
How do I access that setting from a controller?
My code bellow:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<ITableRepositories, TableClientOperationsService>();
My Controller:
public class RecordController : Controller
const int MyNewSetting = 7; // this one to replace with Azure Setting one
private readonly ITableRepositories repository;
public RecordController(ITableRepositories rep) {
repository = rep;
Here, I need probably to add FromServices
injection, but I am not sure if it will work...
Folowing the @dee_zg answer, the following code could probably do the job:
public class RecordController : Controller
int MyNewSetting = 7;
private readonly ITableRepositories repository;
public RecordController(ITableRepositories rep) {
repository = rep;
int myInt;
if (int.TryParse(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MY_NEW_SETTING"),
out myInt)) {
MyNewSetting = myInt;
You can choose to either get them from AppSettings["your-key"]
collection or as environment variables: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("your-key")
From there you can map them to your custom IOptions and inject wherever you need them.