I want to send 1 request per 10 seconds then reduce it to 1 second per 5 sec like this i want to test performance of the http request. I do not have concern with Threads.
I have tried two different things.
But i want only one request on 11:36:28.337 then second request is on 11:36:33.337 like this.
This result is also not satisfactory.
Please provide me the correct configuration. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to either reduce number of threads to 1 or use reasonable ramp-up time as:
given you kick off 5 threads. Despite its name Constant Throughput Timer doesn't need to be "constant", you can define the desired throughput via JMeter Property using __P() function like ${__P(throughput,)}
and amend the property value using i.e. __setProperty() function or even outside JMeter via i.e. Beanshell Server, check out How to Adjust the RPS in Your JMeter Test via the Command Line guide for more details.