I am looking for a tip of when to use the string separator for dynamic queries. In my case I am creating a dynamic query for the bcp utility.
With a basic query I manage it to make it work but as the query gets more complex the dynamic query / bcp is not working.
For instance, I have the following query that is working Ok:
SELECT @bcp = 'bcp "select COUNT(''Id'') as NumberOfIds from [kat].[dbo].[DataId] union all select null" queryout "D:\Testing\Test.csv" -T -c -t;'
However, the moment I add more lines I cannot make it work anymore. The following query is not working:
SELECT @bcp = 'bcp "SELECT
("select COUNT(''Id'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[DataId] )",
("select COUNT( ''Name'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[Person])",
("select COUNT(''Surname'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[FamilyName]")" queryout "D:\Testing\Test.csv" -T -c -t;'
Many thanks in advance,
Your query should be in single line. Multiline queries not accepting.
SELECT @bcp = 'bcp "SELECT ("select COUNT(''Id'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[DataId] )", ("select COUNT( ''Name'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[Person])", ("select COUNT(''Surname'') FROM [kat].[dbo].[FamilyName]")" queryout "D:\Testing\Test.csv" -T -c -t;'