I am a little bit confused when interpreting the action part for the following rule
cookie=0x2b000000000000a5, duration=528.939s, table=0, n_packets=176, n_bytes=33116, idle_age=0, priority=2,in_port=1 actions=output:4,output:2
we have multiple action ports in a certain order, when checking the "restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/" in ODL controller we have different order for each port
"action": [
{ "order": 0,"output-action": {
"max-length": 65535,
"output-node-connector": "2" }
{"order": 1, "output-action": {
"max-length": 65535,
"output-node-connector": "4" }
I am not sure how the packets hitting such entry will be forwarded, are they replicated and send over both? are they load balanced over all ports?
what does the max-length refer to?
Is there any documentation explaining all fields in detail?
It seems, this is a group-table flow.
You can use group table functionality to support multiports in action part. You can read Openflow 1.3 spec documentation for details. (Part. 5.6, 5.6.1)
For max length, again from the same document (Part A.2.5):
An Output action uses the following structure and fields:
Action structure for OFPAT_OUTPUT, which sends packets out 'port'. When the 'port' is the OFPP_CONTROLLER, 'max_len' indicates the max number of bytes to send. A 'max_len' of zero means no bytes of the packet should be sent. A 'max_len' of OFPCML_NO_BUFFER means that the packet is not buffered and the complete packet is to be sent to the controller.