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CDI, cdi-unit. Exception trying inject interface

I test class using cdi-unit library. Test class:

public class IAktResponseMapperTest {
    private ITestCDI testCDI;

    public void testCDI(){

ITestCDI interface:

public interface ITestCDI {
    void testCDI();

TestCDI class:

public class TestCDI implements ITestCDI {
    public void testCDI() {

So, running this test I get error:

org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type ITestCDI with qualifiers @Default
  at injection point [UnbackedAnnotatedField] @Inject private ru.nwth.pio.personal_area.accounting.mapper.IAktResponseMapperTest.testCDI
  at ru.nwth.pio.personal_area.accounting.mapper.IAktResponseMapperTest.testCDI(

But if I inject TestCDI class directly instead of interface ITestCDI, it's ok. How can I make interface working? Thanks for help!


  • CDI-Unit does not scan all classes of your package, so does not know the TestCDI implementation of ITestCDI. You can control CDI environment with CDI-Unit using @AdditionalClasses, @AdditionalPackages or @AdditionalClasspath annotation.

    In your case, add for example @AdditionalClasses(TestCDI.class) annotation :

    public class IAktResponseMapperTest {
        private ITestCDI testCDI;
        public void testCDI(){