I have dates in the following formats:
I would like to convert them to:
I have tried the following in SparkR:
period_uts <- unix_timestamp(all.new$DATE_OF_BIRTH, '%d%b%Y:%H:%M:%S')
period_ts <- cast(period_uts, 'timestamp')
period_dt <- cast(period_ts, 'date')
df <- withColumn(all.new, 'p_dt', period_dt)
But when I do this, all the dates get changed into "NA".
Can anyone please provide some insights on how I can convert dates in %d%B%Y:%H:%M:%S format to dates in SparkR?
I figured out how to do it:
all.new = all.new %>% withColumn("Date_of_Birth_Fixed", to_date(.$DATE_OF_BIRTH, "ddMMMyyyy"))
This works in Spark 2.2.x